Destroy All Humans Wiki
Destroy All Humans Wiki
"I wonder if there really is life on other planets... I wonder if aliens really do walk among us... I wonder if an alien is reading my mind RIGHT NOW?"
―What goes on in the Freak's mind.[src]

The Freak was a drug-abusing hippie who lived in Bay City. Other hippies described him as knowing everything worth knowing. While in Bay City, Crypto consistently used the Freak as a source of information (while he was disguised as another hippie, of course).

Aiding Crypto[]

After he was attacked by the KGB at a party and witnessed the destruction of the Mothership, Crypto sought out the Freak. Crypto wanted to know how the KGB found him, and more importantly, why they decided to crash his party. The Freak revealed to the hot-headed Crypto that the KGB didn't crash the party, but were invited by Coyote Bongwater; the leader of the Bay City hippies and the main supplier of Revelade. The Freak also informed him of Bongwater's plan to gas the city with Revelade and pointed Crypto in the direction of Prudence, Bongwater's girlfriend.

Later, after Crypto did a number of cult missions, Shama Llama asked Crypto to get the Freak to make posters for The Cult of Arkvoodle. Unfortunately, The Freak was going through a depressive episode and was unwilling to make new posters. Crypto asked what was wrong, and The Freak responded people hated his art that was already hanging up around town. In order to prove his point, The Freak led Crypto around town to show him no one was looking at them. Crypto used Free Love to make people excited about the posters and murals, which restored The Freak's confidence.

Drug Addiction[]

―See kids? This is why you shouldn't do drugs.[src]

The Freak was always high and always danced. Sometimes he's delusional, which obviously resulted from drug abuse. Furthermore, the Freak probably didn't have many brain cells left, because he couldn't even remember the facts he gave Crypto a few seconds prior. To top it all off, the Freak once claimed to have the ability to read people's minds.


In the original Destroy All Humans! 2, the Freak was almost identical to the other male hippies who lived in Bay City. In Reprobed, he was given an updated appearance.


  • "I am a fish... a fish... a fish."
  • "They always come for the stash, but the never stay for the Freak."
  • “Go ahead and laugh, squares. In ten years I'm gunna start a computer company in San Jose and own your...”
  • “If anyone ever finds out I majored in economics, I'll never live it down...”


  • According to one of his thoughts, the Freak was once a member of Majestic, left for reasons unknown, and viewed leaving as his best decision. In Reprobed, he also wears a pair of dogtags, indicating that he may have also once been in the Military.
  • The Freak claimed he could pick up radio messages with his teeth. That was a reference to real-life actress Lucille Ball picking up the signal from a Japanese radio transmitter through her teeth.
  • When the Freak told Crypto that Bongwater had his hands on a bunch of blimps, Crypto asked him if Bongwater was starting a tire company. That was a reference of Goodyear, a tire company that has a Blimp.
  • "I AM KING OF THE LIZARDS" may have been a reference to Jim Morrison's poem: "In celebration of the Lizard" where fans thought that he referred to himself as the Lizard King. 

