Destroy All Humans Wiki

Do you think there will be another sequel to the Destroy All Humans! series after Path of the Furon? I mean, the current one is great and all, but maybe the next sequel could be better (i.e. Crypto can dismantle weapons from his saucer to use on foot, Crypto can gain new PK abilities and weapon upgrades that not only give them new stats, but also new appearances and abilities, there are now female enemies instead of just men, etc)! Hey, I'm not criticizing THQ or anything, I'm just wanting to know if there is going to be a sequel.

Yes there will be but it better not be made by Sandblast Games agian. They ruined number 3 (The bosses are shit, Took away 2 player story, took away the abliaty to smack around people with PK) God it was horrable. Bring back Pandemic Studios! they never made a game that sucked.--Make War Not Love 19:56, March 8, 2010 (UTC)

  • No, there wont be. Pandemic was shut down by EA games months ago. And after the failure of BWU and DAH!3, I doubt they'll want to make another one. I am planning to email THQ about retconning DAH!3 and redoing it though. So, here's hoping. Maybe they'll get a competent developer, like Bungie, or Insomniac, to develope it. SWJS 20:14, March 8, 2010 (UTC)

Aww man! I loved DAH!3 the boss fights were awesome and fun. The fun I could do with people and PK. And the graphics were amazing. Sonic & Scrab Master

um just to say that there is a hidden glitch... and im right if you can have a survived scratched disk you will see a hidden script... go to Las Paradiso and pk the sign you will see a freaky word it says NEW WORLD all covers this is very creepy since i was the 1st to find this glitch.