Destroy All Humans Wiki
Destroy All Humans Wiki

A Revelade banner featuring the face of Coyote Bongwater.

Revelade was a “soft drink” created by the Soviet Union in 1969.


Revelade has strange effects, which includes rotting away Furon DNA from human brainstems. It was widely distributed by the hippie commune leader, Coyote Bongwater, in Bay City. Bongwater even used the bizarre substance as a weapon, wielding a crossbow that fired Revelade-tipped arrows.

Bongwater later acquired a fleet of Blimps to distribute the drink into the atmosphere, and also dumped a large quantity into the bay. Thankfully, Cryptosporidium-138 destroyed both supply stations in Bay City and Albion, England, thus saving the Furon DNA on Earth from further degradation.

