Destroy All Humans Wiki
Destroy All Humans Wiki

Furotech Cells were small, blinking Furon devices found around invasion sites in Destroy All Humans! 2. Serving as a form of currency, they replaced the primary use of Furon DNA.


Furotech Cells are usually hidden throughout invasion sites and also serve as rewards for completing missions.

It was unknown why there were Furotech Cells scattered across Earth and Solaris or who sent them there, although it could be presumed that they fell when the Furon Mothership was destroyed.


Furotech Cells are used for upgrading Weapons and Shields for both the Saucer and Crypto, and the Jetpack. 40 cells are scattered through the invasion sites which are worth varying amounts. Every mission in the game gives Furotech Cells as a reward. After finding a number of Alien Artifacts, Crypto is given a Furotech Cell Detector, which highlights Furotech Cells as blinking green dots on his radar.


See Also[]
