Early in Earth's history, Furons mated with primitive Humans in the aftermath of the Martian War. This meant that every Human alive had pure Furon DNA, with their brains being a particularly virulent source.[1]
Destroy All Humans! Remake[]
Furon DNA serves as a currency to unlock upgrades for Cryptosporidium-137, as well as the Saucer.
Furons, due to many years of replication, have lost the ability to reproduce naturally. A current, unfortunate lack of genitalia is a key factor. Current replication methods use cloning, but even this method is showing signs of strain. It is essential to find the traces of pure Furon DNA hidden within the human genome to fully restore future Furons.
"The seed ain't strong. Fact is, the seed has done lost its giddyup and might as well be sittin' there watchin' the dang teevee!" - Gastro-999.
- Destroy All Humans!
- Destroy All Humans! 2
- Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed (Non-Canon)
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon
- Destroy All Humans! Remake
- ↑ Orthopox: "It was in the earliest days of the Empire we realized that our species was doomed. Eons of waging war on inferior races with unregulated atomic weaponry had mutated our genes, we could not propagate due to a complete and utter lack of genitalia. Fortunately, a Furon ship happened upon Earth on its way back from destroying the Martians. Human society was young and noble… sailors on a foreign planet, let off steam… one thing led to another. Long story short every human being alive today has buried deep in its genetic code a strand of Furon DNA."