Alien Artifacts were ancient Furon relics found in Destroy All Humans! 2 and Reprobed.
According to Shama Llama, a mighty Super Weapon belonging to Arkvoodle himself would be gifted to Crypto if he recovered all the Alien Artifacts.
Indeed, if Crypto managed to find 30 of the 50 artifacts that had been scattered throughout various Invasion Sites, and if he completed all missions for the Cult of Arkvoodle, then he would receive the mighty Burrow Beast.
Upon completing all missions for the Cult of Arkvoodle in Albion, Crypto received an Alien Artifact Detector, which made nearby artifacts appear as blinking red dots on his radar. This detector was not present in Reprobed.
The primary purpose of Alien Artifacts was to unlock extras for Crypto. They also unlocked the Burrow Beast weapon after completing all missions for the Cult of Arkvoodle.