Destroy All Humans Wiki
Destroy All Humans Wiki
"Now, you’re after a government minister who’s been trading secrets with the Soviets!"
―Agent 71.

Agent 71 was an MI6 agent who Crypto met in Albion.


Crypto first met Agent 71 while in a corresponding disguise. The agent asked for a secret password in order to start their conversation, which Crypto managed to guess from an old spy movie. It worked, and Agent 71 gave Crypto the mission of killing a corrupt government minister who had been trading secrets to the Soviet Union.

Agent 71 revealed that the minister’s actions could prove disastrous, as the Soviet navy would catch up to Britain’s within twenty years or less if he wasn’t stopped. He also informed Crypto that he had an informant waiting to call a phone box near the Parliament House bridge in a minute’s time.

Crypto managed to reach the phone box before anyone else could answer it. The caller indirectly asked for the same password that Agent 71 had required, before telling Crypto that the “target” was heading towards the Soviet Embassy, and was to be eliminated only upon his arrival there.

Upon reaching the embassy, Crypto found the building and its grounds heavily defended by KGB agents, EMP Mines, Gun Turrets, and SAM Launchers. Despite this, he successfully destroyed the entire building with his Meteor Strike weapon, all while the corrupt minister was still inside.

After the mission, an MI6 assassination report read; "Operation Sheep-to-Mutton is a success for Agent 71: The kill went down splendidly.”

